Monday, September 30, 2019

Gay And Lesbian Children

The current estimates of children who live with bisexual parents, either the gay or the lesbians in United States of America are in the tune of between six to ten million. The census conducted in the year 2000 treated these children as single parent children. At the moment, over twenty percent of the existing gay as well as lesbian relationships have a child in their homesteads. In the American society, the families of gay as well as lesbians forms a fundamental element of the daily life. Introduction It has already been established that partners of the same sex ran their households almost in the entire county. It is also true that the homes led by the gay as well as the lesbians are in the tune of 600 000 in the entire nation† (Leff). It therefore implies that, the numbers of the children with transgender, bisexual, gay or lesbian parents are always on the increase. This category of the children may hail in families of mixed race, adoptive families or even families that are si ngle parent. There is also likelihood that the children are biologically fathered or mothered by one of the parents. This is out of the fact that majority of the gay as well as the lesbians commit themselves in gay or lesbian relationships at the time of being parents. The other fact holds that the gay and the lesbians had children in their earlier life of heterosexual relationship but later got involved in their current sexual status (Leff). Literature review The documentary film that talks about what it is like to grow up with gay or lesbian parents that I have chosen for the purpose of this paper is entitled DADDY & PAPA and from the context as presented, Johnny Symons, who is the film maker played the part of Papa, while William Rogers, who was his partner, played the part of Daddy. The two couples were committed for a period of about ten years although in an informally accepted union. They later got married officially in 2004 at a ceremony highly cheered by their sons (DADDY & PAPA). There are some general ideas that are worth reflection. It is therefore upright in as far as the video is concerned to conclude that multiple and diverse ways exist in which a family can be composed. The existing families assume varied and diverse sizes as well as diverse configurations. There exists ordinary aspect among the variety of families in existence. The existing families have their kinds considered normal. However some kinds of a family may be numerous in relation to others. All of these families once in a while experience conflict of some kind which is part and parcel of the family. It is not practical for the families to be happy at all times. If teasing is a common occurrence in the family, hurt feelings as well as low self-esteem is most likely to be the repercussion to the offended member (s) of the family. It is also a possibility for the interruption of teasing to be done by members of the family who the become allies in as far as the other members are concerned. It is possible for families to experience a transformation just as it is with the people. Families of different kinds are potentially gifted to support one another for the purpose of their individual strengths more than any particular kind of family existing independently of any other (DADDY & PAPA). According to Judith, â€Å"The fact that the child is from a straight family with both mother and father does not warrant that the child will always be happy, safe and have a secure environment at home to allow the child a chance to grow into a productive individual who is properly adjusted. Parents of the same gender as well as parents of opposite gender have the same reaction in as far as stings are concerned, the scraps, the shorts as well as and the joys together with the heartaches affecting childhood in a similar manner as their children† (Judith, 12). According to Elias â€Å"Parents who are open about their sexual orientation, who exhibit mentally healthy behavior and provide supportive communities for their kids, tend to have the most resilient youngsters† (Para 9). Further, paragraph. point number 2 states that â€Å"Gay parents share child care and chores more evenly than heterosexual couples. Both men assume mommy/daddy roles. They're coaches and cooks,† (Para 6) Judith further asserts that â€Å"The potential to become great or otherwise in as far as the parent is concerned has no any relationship to the sexual orientation of a person. Adults who are nurturing are reliable whether they are male or female; they have the potential, and are usually excellent parents† (Judith, 33). She further summarizes the issue with a comment that â€Å"The physical appearance of the family is not actually a reflection of the particular family type† (Judith, 37). The most significant thing is the shared love among the members of that particular family which actually brings about the difference in existence among the members of the family. Taken from the perspective of Levy â€Å"the health as well as the development of the child, there is no significant difference among the child of the heterosexual family and a child from a gay or a lesbian family† (Para 1). The organizations with a strong devotion to the health as well as welfare of the children are in no compromise as far as the health is concerned. The adjustment of the child of couples of the same gender is no different from those ones of children from families of heterosexual nature (Lev). According to Elias, There exists no scientific evidence that sexual orientation determines the parenting effectiveness; any parent can provide supportive and healthy environments for their children. Elias says, â€Å"The children will benefit if their parents are able to marry† (paragraph 1). The only shortcomings facing the children of same-sex marriage is the failure of the efforts by the schools to meet their needs in as far as being more inclusive. This situation is compounded by the teasing and the mockery that they face from children of normal families (Elias). According to Lev â€Å"Much of the research describes four general outcomes for cross-gendered children. One, they grow up to be normatively gendered, heterosexual people. Two, they grow up to be feminine men or masculine women. Three, they grow up to be lesbian or gay† (Para 6). Four, they grow up to be transsexual or transgender. The most common outcome seems to be that gender-variant boys grow up to be gay. Treatment—in the form of behavioral modification programs geared at eliminating cross-gender behavior—are the standard recommendation† (Para 6). Chapter 9 of the same website suggests that â€Å"Something is very wrong here, but I’m not sure it is Kyle who has the problem. In order to decide if something is ‘wrong’ with Kyle, we need to define what we mean by wrong. Do we think it is wrong to be a sensitive heterosexual man? Do we think it is wrong to be a gay man? I suspect most of us will respond to those questions with a resounding No! † (Chapter 9). But the minority group has had to encounter great challenges due to discrimination. According to the article Liberation Was For Others â€Å"Latest research estimates that approximately 10,000 – 15,000 men were sent to concentration camps solely for being homosexual the same article stresses that Some lesbians, as well as feminists, were considered A-Socials† by the Nazis and were sent to the camps in limited numbers. Many served their time in camp brothels servicing the Nazis as well as some camp inmates† (Chapter 3). Conclusion The fact of the matter is that shapes as well as the sizes of various families are also diverse. All types of parents are gifted to raise their children, whether they are married, unmarried, grandparents of the children, single parents, widowed, members of an extended family and foster parents among many others. There are high chances of the possibility that children from gay or lesbian parent enjoy a happier life in comparison to a child from a normal family. The family is a care giver of primary importance and a central focus for the strength as well support in as far as the children are concerned. The security given to a child out of a setting of a stable family is the necessary ingredient responsible for the healthy future of the child. The gay as well as the lesbians have been involved in child rearing from the past, a trend that will continue into the future.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pabasa Sa Nutrition Essay

Nutrition is recognized as a basic human right, vital to the survival, growth and development of children according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). And proper nutrition is a key to having a happy, healthy life, but despite this pronouncement, millions of people around the world suffer from malnutrition and continues to claim millions of lives, with more than 5.5 million children under-five years of age dying annually. (Devpulse, 2008). There were 925 million malnourished people in the world in 2010, an increase of 80 million since 1990, despite the fact that the world already produces enough food to feed everyone (6 billion people) and could feed the double (12 billion people). Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) and micronutrient deficiencies remain the leading nutritional problems in the Philippines which rank eighth in countries who have five million or more undernourished people. There were 15.2 million undernourished people in 2001–2003, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization. This represents the number of people consuming less than the minimum amount of food energy (measured in kilocalories per capita per day) necessary for the average person to stay in good health while performing light physical activity. From 2005 to 2008, there was a significant increase in the proportion of underweight children aged 0-5 from 24.6 percent to 26.2 percent, according to the National Nutrition Survey (NNS). A very high prevalence of underweight preschoolers was noted in Regions IV-B, V, VI, VIII, and IX, where data on the proportion of underweight-for-age children registered at greater than or equal to 30 percent. The status of micronutrient malnutrition is likewise an important concern in the country. According to WHO (2009) the vitamin A status of the country is considered severe subclinical deficiency affecting children 6 months – 5 years (8.2%) and pregnant women (7.1%). Iron deficiency anemia is the most alarming of the micronutrient deficiencies affecting a considerable proportion of infants (56.6%), pregnant women (50.7%), lactating women (45.7%) and male older persons (49.1%). Malnutrition in the Philippines is caused by a host of interrelated factors – health, physical, social, e conomic and others. Food supply and how it is distributed and consumed by the populace have consequent impact on nutritional status. While some reports indicate that there is enough food to feed the country, many Filipinos continue to go hungry and become malnourished due to inadequate intake of food and nutrients. Children are mostly affected not only because of the lack of food. Their lives are also placed at risk by poor feeding and care practices, poor health conditions of pregnant and breastfeeding women, lack of access to health services, and unsanitary conditions. According to 2011 National Nutrition Results, only 52 per cent are breastfed within one hour of delivery; 47 per cent of children 0-6 months are exclusively; 45 per cent of children 6-23 months are breastfed, and fed with adequate and safe nutritious complementary food. Due to the lack of nourishing food and nutrition education, hunger and malnutrition are still dominant in this country. (Food and Agriculture Organization 2011). In fact , these problems have been linked with high rates of poverty and an increasing population growth. Adequate intake of micronutrients is essential for preventing common micronutrient disorders, such as vitamin A and iron deficiencies. According to Aphane et al. (2003), most countries have to improve the micronutrient status of the population by changing practices at the household level and by protecting the nutritional benefits of traditional practices that are eroding because of factors such as urbanisation and modernisation. In addition, according to The Micronutrient Initiative improving and diversifying the food that is eaten by the poor is therefore the most fundamental (though still not comprehensive) approach towards controlling vitamin and mineral deficiency. Unfortunately, it is also the approach that is most dependent on rising incomes. When income increases, people often reduce breastfeeding, stop gathering wild foods and eat fewer green leafy vegetables due to ignorance or poor knowledge of nutrition. Nutrition education and counseling are one of the government’s strategies to combat malnutrition especially in children. The education and counseling practices teach the correct feeding procedures and improving personal knowledge of pediatric areas to improve health care in the Philippines. One of the DOH program to answer malnutrition is through Pabasa sa Nutrition. It is an innovative approach in strengthening the implementation of the five(5) Impact Programs (Home, School and Community Food Production, Micronutrient  Supplementation, Food Fortification, Nutrition Education and Food Assistance) of the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN). Through Pabasa, mothers are grouped into 10-12 per class informally discussing health and nutrition using behaviorally designed materials developed by the Nutrition Center of the Philippines (NCP). Pabasa is designed to empower women in reducing their family’s vulnerability to malnutrition through the adoption of proper nutrition practices and healthy lifestyles. The NCP provides training and materials for local government units and NGOs that plan to implement Pabasa. Guldan et al (2000) states, nutrition education has shown a significant benefit in increasing nutritional knowledge and improving infant feeding practices amongst mothers who receive nutrition education compared to mothers who do not receive nutrition education. (Ladzani et al. (2000) reported that a nutrition education programme had significantly improved breastfeeding and infant feeding practices in rural areas amongst local women who had been trained. It was also shown that teaching mothers about complementary feeding improved the mother’s knowledge and the children’s diets (Ilett & Freeman, 2004). In addition, Guldan et al. (2000) indicated that children of mothers who received nutrition education had lower rates of anaemia and were significantly heavier and taller than the control group. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The purpose of this study is to assess and determine the effectiveness of Pabasa sa Nutrisyon on the knowledge, attitudes and practices as acquired by the mothers of selected barangays in Hindang, Leyte. Specifically, this study sought answers to the following: 1. Describe the profile of the respondents. a. Age b. No. of children c. Religion d. Highest Educational Attainment e. Estimated Monthly Family Income 2. Identify the level of knowledge through the pretest and post test scores of the respondents on the Pabasa sa Nutrisyon 3. Determine the attitude and practices through actual observation with the use of structured checklist. 4. Draw out implications from the study. Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the respondents on the knowledge, attitudes and practices on the Pabasa sa Nutrisyon. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Results of this study would be beneficial to the following institutions and entities, to the mothers so that they will be guided and be informed on the importance of good nutrition for the family, the Barangay Health Worker that they will be guided in collecting data for the nutritional status of their clients thus they will promote conducting Pabasa sa Nutrisyon to guide mothers, The RHU staff and nurses that will be more aware on the proper program to delivered to their clientele, to the Department of Health that the said institution will not only help but endorse and provide funds on the implementation of Pabasa sa Nutrisyon, To NGO’s that it will give them insights of ensuring better nutrition to Filipinos, thus decreasing the rate of malnutrition in our country, and lastly to the future researchers that findings of this study will serve as their baseline to further improve result. To the Department of Health .This study can help the said institution to successfully continue the implementation of the Pabasa sa Nutrisyon. To other Private Agencies. This study will provide them an insight of ensuring better nutrition to Filipinos, thus decreasing the rate of malnutrition in our country. Barangay Health Center. Barangay Health Workers will be guided on the nutritional status of every individual . Through this, they will be able to help conducting Pabasa sa Nutrisyon that will promote good nutrition. To Rhu Staff and Nurses. This study would help the rhu staff and nurses to be responsible in conducting Pabasa sa Nutrisyon. Mothers. This study would also be beneficial to the parents that in a way help them in providing proper guidance and knowledge to their family. Future Researchers. The findings of this study could further serve  as a baseline data for further research. SCOPE AND LIMITATION This study aims to know and focused only on the effectiveness on Pabasa sa Nutrisyon on the knowledge, attitudes and practices acquired by mothers of selected barangays in Hindang Leyte. The participants on Pabasa sa Nutrisyon are mothers residing in selected barangays in Hindang, Leyte, namely, Brgy. Doos del Sur, Brgy.San Vicente, Brgy. Tabok and Brgy. Bontoc. This study also included the demographic profile of the mothers as the intervening variable such as: age, no. of children, religion, highest educational attainment, and estimated monthly income. Moreover, the dependent variable of the study is the knowledge, attitude and practices of mothers. The researchers conducted the study on September 2014 to October 2014. Furthermore this study is limited only to those mothers who participated the Pabasa sa Nutrisyon. The researchers have chosen the following barangays because of the accessibility of each of the researcher to the different barangays. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Energy and Instinct from Psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud viewed each human being as a machine that consumes food, water and oxygen and converts these into energy, which is then expended in both physical and mental work. He proposed that instinctive physiological needs are based within the id. Bodily needs lead to conscious desires and to the behavior necessary to satisfy the need. When the need is satisfied, the organism comes to rest until another need arises. There are individual differences in the means adopted to satisfy each need. Virginia Henderson on her theory of 14 Basic Human Needs viewed health as a quality of life and is very basic for a person to function fully. As a vital need, health requires independence and interdependence. Since health is a multifactor phenomenon, it is influenced by both internal and external factors which play independent and interdependent roles achieving health. She also gave emphasis in prioritizing health promotion as more important care of the sick. Sister Callista Roy’s theory of Adaptation viewed humans as biopsychosocial beings constantly interacting with a changing environment and who cope with their  environment through biophysical adaptive system. This theory focuses on the ability of individual, families, groups, communities, or societies to adapt to change. The degree of internal or external environmental change and the person’s ability to cope with that change is likely to determine the person’s health status. She also proposes that being an open system; the individual is vulnerable to inputs and stimuli from both self and the environment CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Schematic diagram showing the relationship of the variables in the study. The respondent’s demographic profile namely, age, no. of children, religion,highest educational attainment and estimated monthly income are theorized to affect the pre-test scores of the respondents. In our study, the researchers seek to determine the relationship between the pre-test and post-test scores of the respondents after conducting Pabasa sa Nutrisyon. DEFINITION OF TERMS In order to facilitate better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined conceptually and operationally. Pabasa sa Nutrisyon – the mothers are grouped into 10-12 per class informally discussing health and nutrition. Knowledge-a familiarity, awareness or understanding of something. Attitude- is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, and thing. Practices-the actual application or use of an idea. Mothers- who undergone Pabasa sa Nutrisyon METHODOLOGY This chapter discusses the researcher design, the research locale, the selection of respondents, sample size, data gathering instrument, general procedures and statistical tools that were used. RESEARCH LOCALE This study was conducted in Hindang, Leyte. It is a fifth class Municipality in the province of Leyte. In the north, it boarders with the town of  Inopacan Leyte while it boarders with the town of Hilongos in the south. According to the 2014 projected population, it has 20,868 people with 4184 households. Among 20 barangays of Hindang, Brgy. Pob. 1, Doos del Sur, San Vicente, Tabok and Bontoc were the selected barangays for the study. The researchers selected these areas for accessibility and convenience of the study. These areas are the hometown and were the researchers worked. SELECTION OF RESPONDENT AND SAMPLE SIZE The respondents of the study included all mothers who participated the Pabasa sa Nutrisyon in Four Baragays of Hindang Leyte. The respondents were chosen according to their availability at that time and in the place where the gathering of data was conducted. RESEARCH DESIGN The researchers utilized one group pretest-posttest study which is basic experimental research design. The group administered a pretest with the use of questionnaire composed of multiple choices, true or false and Self-structured questions. Same questionnaire is given for posttest. An analysis of the variables quantitatively was done which served as basis for the interpretation, implications and recommendations that were formulated. RESEARCH PROCEDURE Permission was sought from the barangay chairman of the different barangays. The data were collected by the researchers themselves from September 2014 to October 2014. The respondents were instructed to sign the consent form before answering the questionnaires. They were requested to individually accomplish the pretest questionnaires by writing their chosen answer in the sheet. Another set of questionnaires for the post test were given after three days. Accomplished questionnaires were retrieved by the researchers. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT The questionnaire is composed of three (3) major parts. Part I, elicit data on the profile of the mothers in terms of age, no. of children, religion, highest educational attainment and estimated monthly family income. Part II elicits data from the Pabasa sa Nutrisyon questions to determine the knowledge of the participants. Part III elicits data from the  self-structured questionnaire to determine the attitude and practices of the mothers. A table was made and the respondents were asked to fill in their answers by putting a check mark. Statistical Treatment of Data The data gathered from the questionnaire were analyzed according to their corresponding quantitative equivalents. The responses were also categorized according to the nature of the specified questions asked. The profiles of respondents were analyzed using frequency tally and percentages. The following formula in determining percent was used: P= f/n x 100% where: P – Percent f – frequency n – number of respondents To test for the significant difference on the pre-test and post-test scores of the respondents on the Pabasa sa Nutrisyon. The machine formula follows: (Walpole, 1982: Introduction to Statistics) t=(X Ì…_1-X Ì…_2)/√(S_p (1/n_1 +1/n_2 ) ) All computations and analysis were tested using 5% level of significance.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Law - Case Study Example 2). On the other hand, the Clayton Antitrust Act, another antitrust law of the United States of America, prohibits "exclusive dealings", "mergers or acquisition" if these acts substantially lessen competition (15 U.S.C., secs. 14 and 18). The US antitrust law refers to the body of laws that make illegal or unlawful certain business practices deemed to hurt businesses or consumers, or both, or violate business ethics. These include anti-competitive behaviors such as monopoly, restraint of trade and commerce, and unfair business practices like exclusive dealings, mergers, and acquisition and other practices that lessen business competition or harm the economy. In order to determine whether a corporate action or conduct is anti-competitive and thus prohibited by the antitrust law, two methods can be applied: the per se rule and the rule of reason. Under the per se rule which was utilized in the Sherman Antitrust Act, a corporate conduct is anti-competitive if is overwhelmingly harmful to the business or to the economy like horizontal price fixing or territorial division agreement. It does not require further evidences since it is evident on the face of the agreement itself. The rule of reason on the other hand, utilized in the Clayton Antitrust Act, requires the plaintiff to prove that the agreement caused economic harm in addition to proving that the defendant acted as charged. Merger is most likely the type of transaction that Awesea will offer in the case at hand. A merger is considered when both CEO's agree that joining together is in the best interest of the companies, as in the increase of sales but cutting the cost of operational expenses. The law on merger in relation to antitrust law is governed under section 7 of the Clayton Antitrust Act. It was further strengthened by the Celler-Kefauver Amendments of 1950 and the various merger guidelines issued by the US Department of Justice. Said laws modified the Sherman Antitrust Act where a mere merger is a violation of the antitrust law as a method of promoting monopoly (Sec. 1). At present, any challenges in the legality of mergers are decided using the rule of reason, that is, the plaintiff can only prevail upon proving to the court that the defendants are doing something which can bring substantial economic harm. The Clayton Act also allows the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice to regulate all mergers and gives the government discretion whether to approve a merger or not. Another law, the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvement Act, provides in summary that before a certain merger can close, both parties must file a "Notification and Report Form" with the FTC and the Assistant Attorney General in-charge of the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice so that the regulatory bodies can assess whether the proposed transactions violate the antitrust law of the US. Applying the rule of reason under the Clayton Act, when a company merges or acquired another company in order to promote its product in a certain country or to increase it sales, said transaction lessens competition, thus violates the antitrust law. The said fact is supported by various decided cases by the US Supreme Court which still are in effect today. One case is US v. Falstaff Brewing Copr., et. al., 410 U.S.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Paper - What is a Database Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paper - What is a Database - Essay Example As an example of the business use of a database, an online store is a common one, and E-bay is a large database that consists of customers and sale items. It is an also an example of a database with a web-form, that is, a form where a customer can enter their contact information along with the information about the item they want to sell. As a second example that relates to this one, any business needs to track clients or customers and their respective contact information. While the following will expand on the example of an online store, it should be mentioned that most business' have customers and most customers need to be tracked, so this is a second example of a business application. An online store, like E-bay, would need at least two tables of information, and these would be a table that contained customers and their information and financial transactions, and in turn, a store would also minimally have a table that contained all of the items that were for sale. In general, a ta ble is a set of information that has unique and self-contained information. In the case of the store, one wants to establish a 'relational' [O'Neill and O'Neill 15] database – that is, one needs to link up the customers (table 1) with their inventory (e.g. table 2), but one also needs to keep this information apart.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms Paper Essay

Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms Paper - Essay Example The most prominent international financial institutions are the IMF, the World Bank, ADB and the WTO. International Monetary Fund (IMF) plays a major role while rebuilding and stabilizing the monetary and pecuniary conditions of its member states. IMF achieves this objective by offering supportive loans while working out counteractive strategies. Apart of it, IMF also supports its defaulter member countries and their funding partners to ease out methodical development for liability streamlining by implementing and taking necessary measures1 (IMF Fact sheet, 2006). Thus, IMF plans to offer financial and monetary services while providing its member states with sufficient opportunities so as to employ regulatory guiding principles and transformation for reinstating environment while guaranteeing to strap and protract economic augmentation and societal venture. These courses of actions show a discrepancy while craving on member's state of affairs together with the source of the monetary related tribulations. Apart from above stated functions of IMF, this monetary institution also supports to develop the obligatory liability r

Strategic Analysis and Choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Strategic Analysis and Choice - Essay Example The analysis includes political, economic, social and technological factors. Political factors affect the marketing and strategic growth plans of a business. Legislations and regulations of a country affect the plans of the business. This can be control of ingredients used, price changes and different views of the party in power compared to the former one. For e.g. in Pakistan, after the emergency was imposed on 3rd November 2007 the media was curbed and shut down until they signed a deal not to talk against the present government. Thus, GEO Pakistan a channel that is aired in Pakistan, Dubai, UK, USA and Canada. This organization is a multinational since it is aired in three continents around the world. The company uses all the latest technology in media like news room automation service, graphics system, automated play out system, media server systems, GEO firsts (interactive program) and training on international standards; and it is a market leader at home in Pakistan. It is huge since it employs the most people in Pakistan. The company is young. The company is family owned. The channel refused to abide by the regulations and has not been aired in Pakistan up till now. The channel was a leader in the market but now they have suffered huge losses due to the close down of the channel. Eventually, they had to abide by the regulations to avoid further losses and downsizing of employees. Now the channel will be aired soon. GEO is a good example of a company that tried to go against the industry norms and comply with the rules in order to differentiate but it all went wrong and they suffered. This was a risk and they had to pay for non compliance of industry norms. This example is a fitting example in this case because their strategic... This essay is a strategic analysis of how the companies respond to changes in their internal and external environments. Also that companies often plan to use such strategies to gain a competitive advantage over their various competitors since an edge over the others always helps them stand at the highest peak and successfully manage to balance and avoid falling disastrously. Often companies plan and forecast but the actual result is different from the forecasted one. Theories are often good to study and get a proper understanding of the situation but they do not necessarily fit in real life. Uncertainty is part of life and a proper analysis to take a decision is important for companies. Thus, businesses aim to grow and gain competitive advantages since expansion is an industry norm but then they have to face problems while operating in the internal and external environments and these businesses tend to use these strategies to their best advantage and even by manipulating these at tim es to fit their conditions and markets. This helps them grow and gain an edge over their competitors. Competitive advantages are essential to businesses for continuous growth in the existing and new markets in order to expand and turn into giants. Managers need to have a clear vision of the future of the company.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Feasability Study Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Feasability Study Report - Assignment Example Growing Business and Entrepreneurs (2008) suggests that India along with five countries account for nearly half the GDP of total world as measured in PPP. More than half of the world’s total population lives in just two countries of the world –India and China. Moreover these are the developing countries of the world which offer higher growth rate as compared to the already developed markets; and the economically developed countries like US and Germany are facing greater heat of recession with surging economic crises. Therefore the investment can be in either of India and China finally. There are a few points, however, that work in favor of India as compared to China which are as follows:- 1. Most of the people in India are well versed with English. So there will be no communication gap while working with the people of India which may not be the case in China. 2. Indian economy is more or less insulated with the global economy so the repercussions of the global meltdown will be minimized. 3. Chinese population has a higher ratio of old people whereas Singhal (2006) suggests that in India more than half of total population is below 25 years of age. Target consumer for the restaurants generally being young and dynamic, India offers better market penetration. 4. China has a poor record on human rights. 5. India has a closer association with the British culture than China.... Globalization has entered India in the year 1992. With the emergence of globalization, the GDP of the country has grown many folds in just a few years. Most of the major brands started outsourcing their work to India owning to the younger population of the country and the difference in the cost. With number of companies operating from India, the spending capacity of the youth has increased many folds. There is a close association of the country with British culture as the English have ruled the country as recently as 1947 A.D. which will definitely be suited to an Englishman. Moreover India generally offering outsourcing to western nations has westernized a lot in the last five years and most of the youth have started preferring Western meals to the traditional Indian spicy food. Owing to the sudden surge in the spending capacity and the latest trends of westernization offer a huge potential of growth to any authentic British restaurant. 'The Diner's Park', an authentic British restaurant, can therefore be finalized to start in Pune, the city having highest number of youths in the country. Moreover, the city has largest number of IT companies, 212 registered IT companies in 2007 as per the data reported by India Design Festivals (2009), in India. Come to the Diners Park and Feel the difference!! British Dining at its Best... The current supply side:- Most of the Indians quite like the Western culture as represented in the modern day trends in India. Currently there is a dearth of an authentic British restaurant in the city and the young crowd of India is food savvy. This is quite apparent from their behavior where they are

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Success is Better Measured by One's Financial Attainment Essay

Success is Better Measured by One's Financial Attainment - Essay Example A smaller number of working professionals also struggle to attend graduate school and take postgraduate courses. However, because of several social economic and demographic reasons, not everyone can be in the profession of their choice. Thus, only a few can manage or afford to choose, and they inevitably pick such and like careers. Success can only be effectively evaluated by a person’s financial attainment. The one thing that most of the high-end jobs have in common is that the paychecks are much larger than what the people in lower jobs, like teachers, nurses, firefighters and police officers make. From this, we can conclude that the majority choose the jobs, not because of how fulfilling they are but how much money they earn. Bearing in mind that the society is aware of the distinction, it is evident that most of these professions are the ones who live in the best houses, drive nice cars and take their children to the high cost private schools. Society, in general, has the propensity to admire and praise those who seem to achieve notwithstanding how they got the success. Therefore, the financial attainment of an individual is a better and more suitable measurement for success than the education level. Take Bill Gates, for instance: he dropped out of Harvard without his degree and left school because he had problems with the administration for doing business in the dorm room (Times magazine, 2007). As such, his level of education at the time he was starting Microsoft, the company that made him one of the world’s wealthiest and most influential men, were the same as those of any college drop outs. However, he is not known or revered for his academic credentials of lack of them for that matter. He is known for his phenomenal wealth, and whether he made it with or without a college degree is beside the point since he is easily one of the most successful men in the world. While it may have to do with his contribution to technology, it is worth notin g that he did not achieve the feat alone yet many of his co-founders who are not as wealthy are hardly known as popular as him. Similarly, several of the greatest financial successes of the current times, including Paul Ellen, co-founder of Microsoft, the late Steve Jobs and Richard Branson, never finished schools, and they became some of the worlds fanatical giants (Carney 2009). While their success is undeniable, measuring it based on academic attainment would be impractical. Success is best measured by financial achievement since the people who have the most influence in the world are not the most educated, but the ones who wealthy financially. In order to enhance this, assume one is a professor with 10 degrees and someone else is a billionaire and a school dropout. One is limited to what he/she can achieve alone, since, without the money, one cannot reach very many people with your education. However, the dropout with money can use it to pay people with more education, hence, he is more successful in that endeavor. If success represents the achievements of a person’s set objectives, let us hypothetically visit students in class and inquire them, â€Å"What is your intention for being in class?† - â€Å"To get a degree†. If yes, does it mean that when they get the degree they have achieved their intention? We do not stop there, we ask further: â€Å"What do you intend to do with your degree?† - â€Å"To get a well paying job, so I can start a family†

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Multilateralism and Regionalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Multilateralism and Regionalism - Essay Example Most of these regional agreements remained within the concept of free trade areas and most of them were based on a multilateralization of bilateral agreements or unions. The mushrooming of initiatives gave birth too many treaties and institutions of economic integration which still exist, but never were a success, because regional areas were conceived as likelier sites for import-substituting industrialization than small national markets. Few of these regional groupings were successful in furthering freer trade or deeper economic integration between partners. In the developing world regional agreements were seen as a means of reducing dependence on economic ties with the capitalist core region. The theory of comparative advantage, certainly, argues that unobstructed exchange between countries will augment the total amount of world output if every country tends to focus in those goods that it can generate at a comparatively lower cost compared to possible trading partners. Every country then will trade several of those lower-cost goods with other nations for goods that can be formed elsewhere more economically than at home. In the end, with free trade amongst nations, all countries will discover that their consumption potential recline outside their domestic production potential. Comparative advantage and its expansions from a theoretical perspective have not resulted in any considerable weakening of the general strength of this body of theory nor of its consequence, a free trade system. The rationale for free trade is thus quite old. Building his case on the gains from trade to be had from specialization reflecting the division of labor, Smith had the essence of the argument right. But it was left to David Ricardo (building on James Mill) to clinch the case formally. Ricardo used a stripped-down model- only one factor of production with constant productivity of labor in two goods, but with relative productivity between the goods different across two countries-to show that both countries could gain from trade via specialization. The Ricardian analysis implied that this "technical possibility" of gaining from trade would be realized if a policy of free trade were adopted in an institutional setting where prices guided resource allocation. But the analytically satisfactory proofs of trade's benefits that we modern economists demand are the handiwork of theorists working in the twentieth century. David Ricardo armed advocate of free trade with the theorem of comparative advantage. His basic assumption was that every economic value was created by labor (the labor theory of value) and a belief that the three basic factors of production (land, labor, and capital) could not move across national boundaries. Ricardo and other economists, however, were interested in learning what law governs the distribution of national income among the factors production, and what the determinants of international trade patterns are. Heckscher - Ohlin approach The classical Ricardo assumed, literally or in effect, a single factor of production. Obviously, that assumption precluded considerations such as the consequences of varying input proportions and of changes in trade on the distribution

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Guidelines for Proposal Write Up and Presentation Essay Example for Free

Guidelines for Proposal Write Up and Presentation Essay The proposal should be about 2-4 pages. The basic content can be as follows. 1.1 Executive Summary An Executive Summary, which provides a brief (about two paragraphs) overview of the proposed project. This is probably the most important section of your proposal, because it provides a clearly defined problem and proposed solution procedure, and a description of the expected project deliverables. The Executive Summary is often the only section of your proposal that some readers will read; and must present all the relevant information as clearly and effectively as possible. It is often the last thing to be written. 1.2 Goal The specific objectives of project. What are the defining features and benefits of this product? 1.3 Background and Motivation What are the needs or problems that you are trying to address? Why do these needs (still) exist? Why are these problems worth solving? Who is the customer? Write 2-4 paragraphs. -What is the setting and history behind this project? -What is the problem to be addressed? -What are some current approaches to this problem? -Why is this problem worth solving or worth solving better? -How will this product be better than previous approaches? 1.4  System Architecture and Approach This section identifies the approach that the team will use to meet the project objectives. You should explain here your principal tasks, their  duration, their sequence and their particular purposes. Wherever possible, the methods and task to be performed should be outlined in logical sequence and explained in detail. Do not assume the reviewer will fill in the gaps in your logic. A common way of identifying project milestones and due dates is to use a graphic representation of the task relationships, such as a Gantt Chart (a bar chart showing timeliness for each principal task) or a PERT/CPM Chart (a network representation of the project that shows the sequential relationship between project activities). The Solution Procedure should also describe the relevant instrumentation and facilities required to complete the research or product development. The Solution Procedure should include a budget that estimates the anticipated RD costs over the life of the project. Wherever possible , provide sufficient commentary on the budget to facilitate 1.5 Deliverables Briefly list project deliverables. When you are done, what will you deliver to the customer? 1.6 Team Organization (Optional) This section provides a summary of the groups qualifications for the project. Identify key personnel and describe directly related education and experience. Also include each members responsibility for the duration of the project. An organizational chart to identify the specific areas of responsibility of each team member may be appropriate. 1.7  Required Resources (Optional) The list of resources/help that you hope to get from the instructor. 1.8  Time Table Part of the proposal will be a proposed schedule. This time table will be used to evaluate and manage the project. Key assumptions that affect the plan should be documented here. The project plan should be updated throughout the life-time of the project. Examples at: 2 2.1  Project Proposal Presentation  Length 10 to 15 minutes presentation + discussions afterwards, in total 25min each person. If you decide to use powerpoint, you should prepare for 10-15 pages of slides. 2.2 2.3 Motivation (the same as proposal write-up) Input/Output Define the task. Show some brief examples that will be produced by by your project. 2.4 System Architecture (the same as proposal write-up) If the project includes many components, you can select the most crucial parts to present. 2.5 2.6 Time Table (the same as proposal write-up) Implementation Details (optional) You could briefly talk about the approaches you are using, and why they fit into the task. 2.7 Preliminary Demo (optional) If you have some preliminary system done by your presentation date, show it to the class. 2.8 Summary and Closing Mark (optional) Briefly recaps the key points of the proposal. Summarize the current problem, the steps you propose to take to solve the problem, and the benefits to the client.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Foundation of Fundraising

The Foundation of Fundraising My placement as negotiated with my supervisor was attending a course in fundraising, as from my perspective this knowledge is very essential in the field of development. In my opinion studying development from the theoretical aspect is very important but in order to apply what we learnt in the real world we need at least a minimum knowledge of management techniques. Working in the development field, as to implement any project or initiative in our community, require funding which will cover the expenses of the work and since many ofthe work of development come through the non governmental organisations so learning some of the techniques of fundraising is very important in order to achieve what we aspire in the development of our society. Working in a non-governmental organisation in Egypt helped me in understanding the problems of my community and thus addressing it. I had many ideas for projects to be implemented in my community but one of my major problems was obtaining a fund to apply these projects. So understanding the fundraising practice will help me in improving the opportunities in implementing my ideas. In this report I will present the fundraising techniques that are essential to any fundraiser in order to help raising the fund needed to support the charity and projects, and therefore developing the community. I will present what were the component and what I learnt from attending the foundation course of fundraising practice and what kind of techniques that is important to fulfil the job. The third sector The first thing I learnt in this course was the different between the three sectors providing services to people, First the private sector such as cooperates and companies and they are aiming for a profit. Second the public sector, as the statutory that aim to provide services. And the last one is what is called the third sector, the Government defines the third sector as non-governmental organisations that are value driven and which principally reinvest their surpluses to further social, environmental or cultural objectives, their role is to fill the gap and provide the service that is lost between the two sectors(NAO, 2009). It includes voluntary and community organisations, charities, social enterprisesand cooperatives. These organisations help in providing voice for marginalize groups, campaigning for change, creating strong, active and connected communities, promoting enterprising solutions to social and environmental challenges and also help in transforming the design and deliv ery of public services. Community-based organizations provide a unique role in the community they serve. As they play this role through the provision of certain services that are part of their mission statement which be done through fundraising. Fundraiser became a key element in supporting school, sports, and other community groups in each of the small towns and major urban areas.Fundraising in the past was a way to provide supplementary or support programs or activities, but todays fund-raising is the cornerstone for the survival and continuation of many activities and events and programs.This importance of fundraising in todays market, created the need for stronger and more successful programs to collect donations which can generate impact and good results. Fundraising is no longer just a fun activity, but abusiness (Institute of fundraising, 2006). Funding can be described as the financial resources available to make a project or initiative possible. Fundraising, however, is an organized activity to solicit money to conduct activities for an organization (Institute of fundraising, 2006). Funding can be either core, long term, or project-based. Core or long term funding is consistent over a period of time and is not related to one project. Project-based funding means an organization is funded to deliver a particular project or event. Fundraising on the other hand is usually the result of a distinct project or campaign that collects money from the public(Institute of fundraising, 2006). To conclude, Fundraising is the process of soliciting and gathering contributions as money or other resources, by requesting donations from individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies. Although fundraising typically refers to efforts to gather money for non-profit organizations, it is sometimes used to refer to the identification and solicitation of investors or other sources of capital for-profit enterprises. Working in teams One of the important stages in the course for me was working with a team. As most of the course attendance worked before in fundraising and have some experience in this field and I was afraid of affecting the dynamics of the team I am in, but my expectations were not true as the power of the team depend on the variety of knowledge and personality of the members of the team. That was the first lesson I learnt, team work is a group effort and each member in this group contribute by his own knowledge and experience in improving the work of the whole team. According to the SheronFerguson theinstructor of the course, the team is a group of individuals who have a common aim and have a regular and frequent interaction with each other. The course indicates that experts in team development agree that teams will go through five different stages. How fast a team moves through each stage will depend on the team members, their individual skills, the work they are expected to do, and the type of leadership available to the team. Bruce Tuckman deemed the five main stages of team development in order as Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Mourning. The first stages of team building which isthe forming stage is important for any team because, in this stage, the members of the team get to know each other and exchange some information about their personalities. Which is consider a good opportunity to see how each member of the team works as an individual and how they respond to pressure. After that every group will enter the storming stage asdifferent ideas compete for consideration (Tuckman, 1965). The team addresses issues such as what problems they are really supposed to solve, how they will work independently and together and who will lead the whole operation. Team members open up to each other and confront each others ideas and perspectives. The storming stagecan be contentious, unpleasant and even painful to members of the team who are averse to conflict but it consider necessary to the growth of the team. In this stage I was able to build a connection with my teams members as I found out that thinking and sharing ideas with a group helped me in strengthen these connections, Moreover, it shows me how each member can contributes in improving any idea. In the norming stage the team manages to have a mutual plan to achieve its goal. During this stage some may have to give up their own ideas and agree with others in order to make the teamwork,as all the team members have the ambition to work for the success of the goals of the team. One of my teams was consisting of a fundraiser working with women rights charity, a manger of a soldiers care charity and my self, our project was to persuade a businessmanto donate for our charity which was a Bay watch life boats, we discussed each one idea about how we will reach our goal and my idea was using the media such as television interviews with one of the survivors who was saved by our life boats, and after discussing suggestions and ideas we decided to reach our goal by using different kinds of visual mean, we used a PowerPoint presentation to show the numbers and figures of how our charity contributes in helping and saving people, we used television interviews with two survivors who were sav ed by our charity. All that was through discussing the possible ideas that will work for the success of the goals of the team. The performing stagehappen when a teams are able to work as a unit as they find ways to get the job done effectively without conflict or the need for external supervision. In this stage the team members become interdependent, motivated and knowledgeable. The mourning is considering the last stage when teams break up when the work is over; they celebrate and recognize group achievement. Then some mourning over the dissolving of the team as the project ended. According to Ferguson for continuous work teams, there may be a higher performance level as they develop and transform as individuals and reform into revised teams. It is important to note that continuous work teams may revert to prior stages when new people are added to the team. It was very interesting to learn all these information on the team development, as I didnt experienced working in a teams before as I learnt in this course, I worked during the period of the course with four different teams in order to reach different levels of communication and to experience what are the advantages of being a member of a team, what kind of contribution I may add to the work of the team to raise the level and the quality of the outcome. Regulations and Law In the United Kingdom, there are laws and codes of practice covering public events, collections, lotteries and others. These laws and codes of practice include the frame that legalise the acceptance or refusal of donation, accountability and transparency in fundraising, best practice for fundraising contracts, charities working with business, data protection and many others(Ciconte, 2008). The only problem I faced in learning this section was the limitation and the focusing on the British laws and regulation of any charity work. But in spite of that I learnt a very important information that the laws and regulation is set to control the relationship between the benefactors and the trustees and protect the benefactors during the funding process, which was a very valuable information to me because I always thought about how to benefit the people who in need without considering the benefactors and what kind of benefit they will have in exchange of their funding. And thatled me to think more about the donors motivations to donate in order to understand how to use this motivation to benefit the project or the purpose I work to achieve. Also knowing about the internal regulation of each charity helped me understand the importance of knowing the internal regulation and mission of the NGO I am working with. There was an activity, which I found very interesting as the instructor told us a funding opportunity case which was a big amount of donation from some employees in a cigarette factory to a lung cancer charity. The case was whether the charity can accept this donation or not. Some of my colleagues in the course thought that the charity can accept this donation because the donors are the employees and not the cigarette factory while others argued that these employees may be a form of representation to the factory which will affect the lung cancer cause, a small group couldnt decide whether the charity could accept the donation or not because they thought that this is a difficult situation and more research is needed. This activity opened my eyes on seeing problems from different angels also the understanding the nee d for studying and knowing the internal regulation of the charity as well as the external. Funding sources and motivation Funding of not-for-profit, Non Government Organisations, or CharitableOrganisations comes through a number of streams. According to Ferguson the sources of fund come from: National Government funding which comprises multiple strands through various departments including: Health, Education, Tourism etc Local Government funding which also comprises multiple strands through various departments Charitable Trusts and Foundations Churches and similar institutions Corporations, which gives fund in a wide variety of ways such as sponsorship, secondment through which staff work for the charity but paid by the corporate, and many other ways. The National lottery, which have a grant programs. Individual donors Each of these hastheir own criteria with their respective application and reporting oraccountability requirements and varying levels of engagement with the fundapplicant. There is no consistency in criteria or uniformity of application across any ofthese funding sources. As Mixer argued that fundraisers must understand the fundamental question of why people giveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦more systematic analysis of donor motivation and conceptual frameworks are needed so fundraisers can carry out their tasks more effectively (Mixer, 1993).Here are some of the donors motivations we discussed during the course, which gives an image about what kind of donors we will deal with and what are there motives to donate; belief in mission, institutional need, publicity, change image, good reputation, religious Beliefs, establish a legacy, joy of giving, tradition in family, make a difference in society, building community relationship, memorialize someone, tax benefits, capital campaign, knowing other supporters, solicitation by peer, recognition of gift, expand social network, access to charity events.These motivations shape the ways and methods that will be used in order to deal with the donors. Knowing these motivations helps in designing the wining project and get the fund needed, and the key knowledge to these motivations is through research, which consider on of the most important element in the fundraising techniques that I learned in this course. Another concept related to funders motivationthat I learned was the donors development pyramid, which explain how to take donors to the next level of giving. The pyramid illustrates many methods by which the donors first know about the charity and choose to give them their support. Using this pyramid is to achieve a goal of ensuring these new funders will donate again and will move up in the pyramid. The donor development tool is a pyramid shape because as I continue to engage donors up the numbers of donors decreases, though the value of the donation increases. The main lesson in this section that I need to focus attention on every level of the pyramid I build to ensure that there will be a sustainable income to my NGO. Volunteers Contented Clients Donors Magazine Inserts Board/Committee Friends Visitors Press/Adverts (Institute of Fundraising course book, 2010) Fundraising techniques Fundraising is a valuable part of the strengthening ofNGOs;any kind of contributions is needed by them to carry out their planned activities. Marketing is considering the commercial name for fundraising as many of the techniques and skills of fundraising was adapted from it. While marketing and sales skills can be valuable, they must always be applied in an ethical manner. Every fundraiser must first be completely convinced of the value, integrity and benefits of the organization, and the activities for which the raised funds will be used. When we reached this section I was surprised with knowing that there are some fundraisers who dont believe in this methods as they can marketing any project even if they dont convinced by its value to society. The success of any fundraising program depends on the ability of staff to attract the participation of new potential donors. Goals are a strong motivator in any sales effort and consider the essence of fundraising. The fundraising team leadershould set the right types of goals in order to motivate his team. When a goal of fundraising campaign is set, it is important to be aware that the goal is high enough to motivatethe team to put extra effort, but it shouldnt be very high so it will be difficult to reach. However, if participants see the goal as realistic, theyll push themselves harder than you may have even dreamed possible, just to make sure they meet or exceed what is expected of them. One of the key skills of fundraising how to tell a donors and potential supporter about the work of the organisation, this skill is fundamental to fundraising.A good fundraiser should be able to show donors how their donation will transform the ability of the charity to meet the needs of its beneficiaries, and make a positive change. Before thinking about fundraising, the trustees and staff should put together a plan.And they should be clear about the key objectives and outcomes that neededto be achieved, and how fundraising will help achieve those goals. The fundraising cycle The Case for Support, explains in detail why a donor should give to the charity and therefore it should be clear, concise and motivating.It must contain enough information to enable a donor to make an informed decision.The case for support presents the rationale for supporting a fund-raising campaign or project. It is consider one of the most powerful tools that the organization can have in communicating its fundraising objective and in persuading potential donors to donate(Institute of fundraising, 2006). Therefore, it should articulate the organizations reason for being, its history, the integrity of its mission, vision, and programs, the good it does, the good it aspires to do, an assessment of need for the campaign, and the specifics of the campaigns objectives. The case should state the organizations unique ability to fill the demonstrated need of an identified constituency, affirm the efficiency of campaign planning, instil a feeling of intrinsic personal reward to the donor, a nd, very importantly, convey a sense of urgency ((Institute of fundraising, 2006). During this section the instructor ask us to prepare a case for support in five minutes, and then present it in front of others. It was a hard task as it was difficult to create a case for support in that few minutes but I tried to create a case for supporting a project based on forum theatre. I couldnt make a perfect case but it was not bad. The instructor explained why she needed us to finish this task in five minutes as we may meet a potential donor any where even in an elevator and we must to be prepared all the time. Also, research is essential to inform the charity about which donors might respond to the case for support. It will help identify the individuals, companies or trusts whom most likely to respond.Take into account any relevant internal and external factors that may influence the success of raising the fund. Organising activities ensure that the potential donors are adequately resourced. Finally,It is essential to monitor and evaluate the successes and failures of these activities, as it is consider a great mean of meeting and discussing potential donations. (Institute of Fundraising course book, 2010) Grant proposal One of the major techniques in fundraising is writing a grant proposal to donors or agencies. During the course I had to work on writing a grant proposal to understand in a practical way the weak points and how to improve it to achieve my goal and obtain the requested fund. The good proposal should contain some important elements to strengthen the project and make it accepted from the donors. Cover letter introduces the organization, its mission, and specifically states what the organizationis asking for from the donor. The cover letter includes the amount of requested fund. It is consider being a chance to let the funder know up front that the organization understandthe funding agencys goals, and thus fulfills their requirements. Executive Summary. The executive summary is considering one of the most challenging parts of the grant proposal because it should be concise and comprehensive. The summary should briefly showthe name of the project, services, procedures, targets group, objectives and expected outcome.The importance of the summary that funding agencies receive several funding proposals and may not be able to read it all, and therefore the summary need to describe the briefly and clearly the project. Statement of Need. In your statement of need, you must clearly articulate the need your grant proposal is addressing, and you must do it in a reader-friendly manner. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨The need statement, or problem statement, explains why the issue is important, and why your nonprofit is the right organization to provide a solution. Include background research, such as historical data, as well as stories that illustrate the need your proposal addresses. Goals and objectives. In this section, capture the grant reviewers attention with powerful, persuasive language. State what your nonprofit hopes to achieve, including specific results and/or outcomes, using key words like: Increase, reduce, provide, protect, improve and others. Your goals will be broad statements, and may be abstract. But its critical that your proposals objectives be concrete, precise and measurable. Objectives are explicit statements as to how you will work toward reaching your overarching goal.In preparing a project design, and when writing a proposal, the goals of the project are stated. The goal is easily defined as the solution to the problem that has been identified. The problem with such a goal is that it is too general; it is not easy to obtain consensus as to when it has been reached. That is why, when preparing project documents, a distinction is made between a goal and an objective. An objective is derived from a goal, has the same intention as a goal, bu t it is more specific, quantifiable and verifiable than the goal. When identifying objectives as part of an exercise in preparing a project design or proposal, use the SMART acronym as a checklist, to see if the objective is a good objective. The objectives must be derived from, and consistent with, the intention of the identified goals. SMART. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Bound. Methodology. The methods section of your grant proposal tells the reviewer how your nonprofit will accomplish its stated objectives. Your methods must be clear and concise, and leave no doubts in a reviewers mind. Write the methods section with the assumption the reader knows nothing about your nonprofit or your project. In addition to tying your program design to your objectives, this section should reference your statement of need and your budget. All methods and activities must be feasible and logical. Evaluation. The evaluation section is where many nonprofit grant proposals fall short. It is also one of the most important sections for grant reviewers. The evaluation section is where you explicitly state how you will measure your projects results. Granting agencies want to know your accomplishments will be objectively measurable, and that there will be hard evidence that their dollars did some good. Clearly state what records you will keep and/or what data you will collect. Data may be quantitative, qualitative, or a combination. Project Sustainability. Grant agencies want their funds to both produce results and facilitate future results through project sustainability-either with or without their additional help. Indeed, if youve written a strong grant proposal so far, the reviewer will care deeply about seeing that your services continue over the long term. In the sustainability section, state your future plans for the project, after the grant money requested has been used. In other words, tell the grantor how your organization will raise money to continue its programs in the future. Your future-funding plan can include a mix of strategies and sources Organizational Information. The organizational information section is where you provide detailed information about your nonprofit organization. This is also where you write to impress the reviewer. Spin a compelling narrative about the uniqueness of your nonprofit and include a brief summary of your statement of need. Using persuasive dialogue, let funders know that your organization is the best qualified to carry out the projects you have outlined. Explain your nonprofits history and background, provide its mission statement, describe its programs, state the recipients of its services, and give its track record to date. Offer a compelling overview of your nonprofits role in the community, and its important accomplishments. Budget. The budget section must be professionally done in order to create confidence in the organization. In this section, the project cost must be shown with providing an explanation of each expense. This is called a detailed budget that include project expenses, administrative, and every other expanse. Also it must include any expected income. The last task of the course Our last task in this course was creating a fundraising plan for a small local heritage preservation charity, which was elected the best charity of the year from a local supermarket chain. A workhouse in the local community was about to be demolished as it was very old and needs renovations. Our mission was to convince the board of members of the local charity of the importance of buying this workhouseas heritage representative, as well as planning a whole fundraising plans to buy, renovate and use this workhouse. It was a very useful activity in this course because it rape up what we learnt in the course and put it in a practical shape, which benefit the whole group. The experience I got from this course will help me in my career, as I needed this knowledge to complete my study in theatre and development. This course was beneficial to me in many aspects; first I learnt the basic of being a successful fundraiser, second it gave me the opportunity to meet other people who work in the field of fund raising which I benefit from there various experiences, finally this course introduce me to a available knowledge which I think I need in my career, for this I decided to learn more about NGO management to help improving the NGO I am working with. Conclusion Attending this course benefit me in understanding the foundation of fundraising practice, which can be concluded in relationship building between fundraisers and the donors.As in order to get people on your side you need to foster a relationship with them. Reaching out to people bypreparing acase for supporting your cause or project, which they can relate to and sympathize with, is essential. Also understanding the motives of donors help you in strengthen you relationship with them depending on their motives in donating to your NGO. Teamwork benefit improving the relation between the fundraisers and donors as the members of the teamwork together to achieve one goal which is convincing donors to donate to their NGO of supporting their project. Understanding fundraising techniques help in improving the status of the charity as by using the case for support technique a fundraiser can raise fund and donation almost anytime and anywhere. Also organising different activities helps in building a good environment to meet new potential donors. Finally using a good application or project proposal helps the donor in understanding the value of the proposed project also allow him to trust the NGO who ask for this donation. The main elements strengthen the application are writing a cover letter which is consider a very important element as it present the NGO, its mission statement and what this NGO needs from the donor. The next step is writing the executive summary that gives an overview of the idea of the project. It is consider the most challenging parts of the proposal, as it should be both comprehensive and concise. Using SMART objectives helps the donors in understanding the project as it show, summaries and frame the objectives of the project. Preparing a reasonable budget helps in building confidence in the organization. This budget must show and clarify the whole expenses of the project whether it was major or minor expenses. Finally the planning of sustainability of the project strengthen the proposal as donors want their funds to both produce results and facilitate future results through project sustainability either with or without their additional help. Using all these elements in the grant proposal raise the opportunity in persuading the donors to donate to this project.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Telecommuting :: essays research papers fc

Telecommuting Telecommuting is a very interesting and complex subject. The pros and cons of this concept are numerous and both sides have excellent arguments. In the research I've done I feel I have to argue both sides to maintain a sense of perspective. I had mixed feelings about telecommuting before I started this research and I find that this is something many others have in common with me. The reasons for and against telecommuting can be complex or simple depending on which view point you take. From a manager's view point telecommuting is a very dangerous undertaking that requires a high readiness level on the employee's part. Allowing an employee with a low (R1, or R2) readiness level to telecommute is not likely to result in a positive manner. When an employee has a high readiness level and a definite desire to attempt working in the home, for some reason or another, many factors should be considered. What kind of schedule does the employee feel constitutes telecommuting? Generally speaking, telecommuting is defined as spending at least one day out of a five day work week working in the home. Is one day home enough for the employee? Or, too little? How does the employer decide how many days to allow? Does the employee's job lend itself well to telecommuting? Some jobs, obviously, can't be accomplished using a telecommuting format. Does the employee have a good track record for working unsupervised? This relates back to readiness levels. An employee who isn't performing at a high readiness level should not even be considered as a candidate for telecommuting. All of these questions and many more must be answered on a case by case basis. This particular venture into creative scheduling has its ups and downs as well from an employee's point of view. It can be quite a bed of roses for both employee and employer. A lot of nice smells and pretty sights, but watch out for the thorns. In several studies I reviewed I noticed that the telecommuting population loses many of the basics of the social contacts associated with the office environment. Judging the correct amount of time that an employee should spend working at home in relation to working at the office can have a significant impact on both performance and satisfaction. It's usually hard for someone to completely cut themselves off from their work environment and still perform well. The sense of being out of touch with the others in the work force can be mitigated by the use of e-mail, teleconferencing, and the ever faithful telephone.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Spirituality and Nature Essay -- Writing Religion Nature Essays Paper

Spirituality and Nature Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding, you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds, kings of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth, young men and maidens, old men and children. (Psalm 148:7-12) When considering the reading that we have done so far in class I am struck by the relationship that is drawn in many of them, between the appreciation of nature and spirituality. While I am not a Christian in the typical sense there is still no doubt in my mind that there is a benevolent and loving higher power, whatever its name may be. What reason do I have to say this? For me, like Wordsworth in "Tintern Abbey", and like Radcliffe's Emily, I feel a connection with a higher power in my own interactions with nature. There is no other place in which I feel God more strongly than in the natural world around me. Last summer, working on my aunt and uncle's farm, I would have moments early in the morning, working in crisp air under a light blue textured sky, in which I would be overcome with feelings of insignificance in the face of such vastness. Another moment that stands out in my memory is walking in the valley between Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags in Holyrood Park, Edinburgh as a snow storm visibly moves over the top of the Seat and down into the valley around me, evoking feelings that I can only characterize as sublime. The experience, of which the prior are only two examples, makes my problems cease to matter and makes me feel connected somehow to an ineffable, eternal and co... ... is a personal and subjective phenomenon that to me involves spiritual reflection and the feeling of being part of something much bigger than myself. The feeling is one that is valuable to me, the understanding of myself as a spiritual person and the understanding of my relation to the world around me. Based on my own experience, I will continue to believe that "God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what he has made, so that men are without excuse" (Romans 1:20). Works Cited Radcliffe, Ann. The Mysteries of Udolpho. Ed. Jacqueline Howard. London: Penguin Books, 2001. The Student Bible, New International Version. Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996. Wordsworth, William. "Tintern Abbey". Romanticism. 2nd ed. Ed. Duncan Wu. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 1998.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

StephenKings Rage :: essays research papers

Stephen King is a well-known author of horror fiction. He maintains that he writes horror because: The horror writer always brings bad news: you’re going to die, he says; he’s telling you to never mind Oral Roberts and his â€Å"something good is going to happen to you,† because something bad is going to happen to you and it may be cancer and it may be a stroke, and it may be a car accident, but it’s going to happen. (qtd. in Magistrale 24) The bad news is that there have been â€Å"nine deadly school shootings in the U.S. during the past three years† (Lloyd 7). Society has been plagued with excessive violence. This behavior has caused many misguided children to fight in school, disrupt a teacher’s lesson, disrespect figures of authority in and out of school, commit suicide, and carry guns as a way of controlling situations. The violent events that have occurred in American schools are similar to the rage expressed in Stephen King’s novel, Rage, which was written over thirty years ago. Rage, which was published in 1977, â€Å"highlights the isolation, fear, and pressures implicit in high school society...† (Collings 14). King did not use his real name when he published Rage. As a matter of fact, â€Å"during the summer of 1966, after graduating from high school, King started writing â€Å"Getting It On,† which he later published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman as Rage (Russell 4). Rage is about Charlie Decker, a high school outcast who, â€Å"spreads sufficient destruction (physical and psychical) with only a pistol† (Collings 14). Charlie wasn’t always an outcast; he became an outcast after, â€Å"almost [killing] Mr. Carlson,† his chemistry teacher (King 114). Charlie tried to kill Mr. Carlson because; â€Å"when Carlson called [him] up to do a problem on the board...he started to make fun of [him] (King 115). He was tired of being ridiculed by Mr. Carlson so he began to hit the black board with a pipe wrench he had hidden in his back pocket. When Mr. Carlson tried to grab Charlie, â€Å"[he] turned around and hit him† (116). Mr. Carlson didn’t die, although he did suffer from â€Å"a hairline fracture just above the frontal lobe† and four splinters of bone were picked out of his brain (116). Charlie never saw the pipe that he used to hit Mr. Carlson again, but he didn’t care becauseâ€Å"[he] didn’t need that anymore, †¦that stick wasn’t big enough.

Resource and Competitive Position Analysis

The restaurant industry is a competitive industry. From low cost meals to specialty food items, restaurants have become save. â€Å"y' in their efforts to attract customers. Pander Bread has developed a strategy to attract customers that are looking for a change from fast food. Consumers are looking for new ideas for meals. They are looking for quality foods over cheap fast food. Pander has been able to attract and draw customers away from the fast food market with their unique food ideas by drawing upon the many strengths of the company.The company has been hindered y the weaknesses in its strategy and now needs to develop ideas to turn those weaknesses into opportunities to increase customers and revenue. A SOOT analysis of the company will highlight areas where the company is performing well and areas that need improved. Strengths Quality ingredients – Pander offers the highest quality of products to its customers. From fresh vegetables to gluten free items. The company of fers a menu to suit a variety of customers. Niche Market – Pancreas menu items have evolved to meet the taste and demands of customers.Brand – The company has a strong and distinctive rand Reward card – This allows Pander to build a relationship with customers. Customers are rewarded with free food items for being loyal customers. Weakness Pricing – While Pander offers higher quality foods, many people are turned off by the high cost of the food. Pancreas food is priced considerable higher than that of their competitors. Many of the fast-food chains offer and entire meal for less than the cost of a sandwich at Pander Brand name – The Company is not as well-known as some of its competitors and often gets overlooked.Menu Selection – Pancreas menu is limited o soups, salad, sandwiches and bread. Customers wanting more variety will look for other food ideas. Market share – The company is a national brand sold exclusively in the United Sta tes Opportunities Expansion – The Company can expand business to the international market. This opens the company up to a new market with similar taste. This allows the company to increase market share and revenue. Catering – Pander offers catering services which is a feature that many fast food companies do not offer.Catering services allows the company to increase revenue and introduces menu items to a new range of customers. Trends – Consumer taste can change and evolve over time. This gives Pander the opportunity to adjust and adapt its menu to meet those needs. Threats Chipolata – Chipolata has a similar strategy to that of Pander. It offers fresh ingredients and healthier food items that consumers are seeking. Chipolata stores have cropped up across the country and offer consumers quality meal over standard fast food items. Struck – Struck has been a leader in the coffee business for years.They have a larger beverage menu than that offered by Chipolata. Coffee drinkers prefer the various options offered by Struck to the limited drink menu of Pander. McDonald's – McDonald's competes with Pander on a different level. They offer customers cheap and quick food selections. They have introduced healthier food items to their menu to meet the needs of more health conscious individuals. Pander has distinctive competencies that set is apart from competitors. Its artisan breads are made fresh daily and gives customers a variety of options to choose from. Customers frequent the restaurant exclusively to purchase the breads.For Pander to continue to grow, the company needs to look at making an entrance into the global markets. Pander has achieved a great deal of success domestically, but has not managed to penetrate international markets. Pander needs to conduct research on trends in foreign countries and develop products to fit the needs of those consumers. Once research has been completed, market testing needs to occur to s ee how consumers respond to the menu items. Next, the company needs to stay abreast of current trends in the market and make adjustments to its menu items.Consumer taste changes often and companies that onto adapt to change will not be successful. Additionally, the company needs to look at ways to drive up traffic during evening hours. Pander has been very success with the lunch crowd, but traffic drops off after that. Pander needs on incorporate menu items that will attract people out for dinner or that will be appeasing to families with children. Pander has enjoyed great success over the years. Customers are pleased with the variety of items offered by the restaurant. Pander has been very successful with the fast-casual market, quality dishes and the esthetics look of the stores.Pancreas strength lies in attracting and retaining customers and evidenced by the company's increased revenue. Pander is a leader in the market and set the standard for which many companies are imitating.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Disease Trends and the Delivery of Health Care Servies Essay

INTRODUCTION Americans use health care services every day, and they use them for a number of different reasons. Whether it is for preventing or curing illness, mending broken bones, delivering infants, or perhaps long term care in a nursing home there has been and will always continue to be a consistent need for the health care industry. According to an article published by the National Center for Health Care Statistics, there are a number of different factors that determine how much health care people use, the various types of care that they use, and the timing of care that they seek (Bernstein, Hing, Moss, Allen, Siller and Tiggle, 2003). These factors could include many different variables; however, for the purpose of this paper we will discuss how trends such as the aging population, and the growing rate of obesity in America are likely to influence the delivery of health care services in the future. THE AGINING POPULATION The population of the United States on April 1, 2010 was 308.7 million people. This is according to an article regarding the 2010 Census report (Howden & Meyer, 2011). In the same article the age composition of the population is broken down. It shows that those aged infant to 18 accounted for 24.0 percent of the country’s population. In addition citizens between the ages of 18 and 44 represented 36.5 percent, and those 45 to 64 made up 26.4 percent of the population. Finally, individuals aged 65 or older accounted for 13.0 percent of the United States population (Howden & Meyer, 2011). These numbers are expected to change significantly over the next few decades. More specifically, the older population which consists of  individuals 65 or older is expected to grow rapidly. This expected growth is largely in part due to the generation known as the baby boomers. This concept is supported in another article published by the U.S. Census Bureau. It states, Between 2010 and 2050, the United States is projected to experience rapid growth in its older population. In 2050, the number of Americans aged 65 and older is projected to be 88.5 million, more than double its projected population of 40.2 million in 2010. The baby boomers are largely responsible for this increase in the older population, as they will begin crossing into this category in 2011. (Vincent & Velkoff, 2010, para 2). In addition, there are other factors that support the population growing older. These factors include a decline in fertility rates, and an increase in the age of average life expectancy. It goes without saying that older generations have different medical needs then do younger generation. Furthermore, as the populations grows older there will be a greater demand for health care services. According to a summary report published by the University of Albany it is estimated that 84 percent of people 65 or older are likely to suffer from at least one chronic medical condition. Such conditions include cancer, heart disease and diabetes to name a few (2006). Along with rising health care needs there will be a greater demand for prescription medications as well. In conjunction with these factors the need for long term care facilities will grow also. As we know already when there is a demand for something there must also be an adequate supply. There is great concern that as the population ages it is probable that the supply of health care services may not be enough. In the same summary published by the University of Albany it states, The expected growth of the older adult pop ulation in the U.S. over the next 50 years will have an unprecedented impact on the U.S. health care system, especially in terms of supply and demand for health care workers. The supply of health care workers may decrease as they age and large numbers retire and/or reduce their working hours. At the same time, older adults consume a disproportionately large share of American health care services, so the demand for health services will grow. The aging population will also affect the nature of the skills and services the health care workforce must be equipped to provide, and the settings in which this care is provided.  (2006, page 2) In addition, there will not just be a greater need for health care professionals such as psycians, nurses, lab technicians and more. There will also be a large necessity for advancements in health care technologies and facilities. We know that there is nothing that can be done to stop the process of aging itself; however, there are measures that can be taken to reduce the health complications that are related to aging. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a few opportunities to improve health and quality of life in older generations include promoting healthy lifestyle choices such as quitting smoking, and increasing the use of preventative services (2011). THE GROWING RATE OF OBESITY Obesity is a disease that is associated with having an excess amount of body fat. It is condition that has been linked to a number of different medical issues including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and stroke to name a few. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over one-third of the population is considered obese costing the United States an estimated $147 billion in 2008 (2013). Although the numbers are already astonishing they are only expected to grow in the future. An article featured in the American Medical News predicts that if the obesity trends continue to rise by 2030 an estimated 50 percent of America’s men and 45 to 52 percent of its women will be obese (Henry, 2011). There are many factors that contribute to the growing trend of obesity. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the environment around us does not support healthy lifestyle habits (2012). This is because we live in a world with advance d technologies and conveniences. With busy schedules it is often easy for people to give in to fast food or microwave dinners because they are quick and easy. It can also be difficult for people to get physical exercise because many neighborhoods around the country lack safe places for recreation, or affordable gyms (The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). A few different demographic factors linked to the obesity trend include age, sex, and race. As mentioned previously, Americans spent as estimated $147 billion for health care services in 2008. This number is expected to grow substantially  over time. One author wrote that the cost of obesity is expected to reach $344 billion by the year 2018 (Thorpe, n.d.). These numbers are outrages. In addition to the rising health care cost that stems from obesity we have to be concerned about the health complications that can come with the disease. Obesity has been linked to an insane number of health conditions including type II diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, some forms of cancer, sleep apnea and many more. There are steps that can be taken to prevent obesity, and the health issues that are associated with it. Eating healthy is vital, and not always as easy as it sounds. It can be so very easy to fall into food traps but we should focus our time and energ y towards foods that are rich in nutrients and low in calories. These foods include lean meats and proteins, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. It is also important to exercise on a regular basis. Exercises such as walking, swimming, or running are excellent. In addition, reversing the obesity epidemic in America is going to require a community effort. Schools, places of business, and government agencies should all be involved in this mission. CONCLUSION As our population ages, and obesity rates rise in America there is no doubt that the health care industry will need to adapt. These issues will require many advancements is medical technology, as well as a larger supplies of health care professionals including doctors, nurses, mental health providers, lab technicians, long term care providers, and administrators. The list could go on and on. Therefore, in the next few decades it will be important for the industry to recruit, and adequately train new health care professionals as the baby boomer population nears retirement. Moving forward, it will also be important for the community, and not just the health care world, to implement new ways to encourage preventative care. This will require many different organizations to become involved, most especially schools because the key to prevention is education. If the younger generations are taught the healthy way to live, and if more parents lead by example the future of this country would i n turn be much more healthy. The world of health care is ever changing, and there are many different  trends that affect it. As the future rolls forward it will be most interesting to see how health care professionals adapt to each trend. REFERNCES Bernstein, A. B., Hing, E., Moss, A. J., Allen K. F., Siller A.B. & Tiggle R. B. (2003). Health Care in America: Trends in Utilization. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved from: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Obesity and Overweight. Retrieved from Henry, T. A. (2011). U.S. Obesity Rate Expected to Reach 50% by 2030. Retrieved from Howden, L. M., & Meyer, J. M. (2011). Age and Sex Composition: 2010. 2010 Census Briefs. U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved from Thorpe, K. (n.d.). New Data Shows Obesity Costs Will Grow to $344 Billion by 2018. Retrieved from University of Albany. (2006). The Impact of the Aging Population on the Health Workforce in the United States: Summary of Key Findings. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). What Causes Overweight and Obesity?. Retrieved from Vincet, G. K., & Velkoff, Victoria A. (2010). The Next Four Day Decades the Older Population in the United States: 2010 to 2050: U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved from